Ahhh, the holidays. That special time of year made for festive lights, hanging stockings, gathering with loved ones, and…what are we missing?
Oh, yes: a to-do list as long as your arm.
Holiday magic doesn’t just happen. It’s the result of dedication and hard damn work. And sure, the joyous smiles on Christmas morning are worth it. But wouldn’t it be nice if there were some little mini-rewards along the way? Something to keep you motivated and sweeten your spirits in the midst of all the shopping, baking, decorating, and errand running?
Yes, a reward would be very nice, indeed. In fact, we think you deserve it. So we made one for you.
Introducing the Chai Nog Latte.
We concocted this delightful holiday drink to hit that perfect balance we all crave during this busy time of year. The caffeine boost from wild-grown black Rishi tea is grounded with earthy aromatic spices, with a ribbon of silky eggnog sweetening the frothy steamed milk.
Spicy and creamy, light and luscious, this holiday drink is tailor-made for sipping slowly during a well-deserved break between holiday errands. Whether you enjoy it as a gentle morning pick-me-up or a soul-warming treat for afternoon, our new winter drink is guaranteed to keep you feeling merry and bright.
The Chai Nog Latte debuts (with the rest of our holiday beverage menu) this Friday at our Calumet roasterie. But for those who aren’t local—as well as those who fall head over heels for this wintertime treat—don’t fret: we’re giving you the recipe so you can enjoy your very own Chai Nog Latte at home.
Chai Nog Latte (serves 1)
5 oz. Rishi Masala Chai concentrate
2.5 oz. DeBacker Dairy eggnog
2.5 oz. whole milk
- Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan and warm over medium heat to preferred temperature.
- If desired, use a steam wand or electric frother to create a layer of thick foam on top.
- Finish with a sprinkle of cinnamon, nutmeg or pumpkin pie spice. For an extra-special treat, top with a pillowy Katherine-Anne marshmallow (available in our Calumet shop).
...Oh, and if you want to spike your Chai Nog with something a little stronger, go right ahead. We won't tell.

In a crazy year like this, it takes a little extra sisu to make the season special. So drop by and let us stoke your spirits with some holiday cheer.